
McCullough Fitting Clinic

October 28, 2011

McCullough Fitting Clinics: Teaching all you need to know to clip, fit and show like a pro!

Chuck McCullough and his family put on a fitting clinic in the Sale Arena yesterday afternoon with more than 50 people in attendance! McCullough Fitting Clinics were first started in 2002 by Chuck and his wife, Karen, and have been extremely successful over the years. For more information on McCullough Fitting Clinics, visit or check out their booth inside of Hale Arena.

McCullough showed exhibitors how to blow dry and condition the hair before showing.

The products McCullough used to fit the heifer.

McCullough recommended these products to use in the wash rack.

More than 50 people came to watch and video the demonstration.

McCullough Fitting Clinic has a booth in Hale Arena.

The McCullough Fitting Clinic Booth is full of tools for fitting.