
Supreme Heifer – Official Results

October 30, 2011

Supreme Heifer named at American Royal

KANSAS CITY – Eleven individuals vied for the Supreme Heifer title at the 2011 American Royal on Sunday, Oct. 30.  SULL Jaylynn 0904, was selected as the Supreme Champion Junior Female of the 2011 American Royal. She was exhibited by Nick Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa, and first named Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female.

The winner is presented the Stanley E. Stout Memorial Supreme Heifer Scholarship, an award given in honor of Stanley Stout, a former American Royal Board of Directors member and chairman of the livestock committee. This scholarship was created to commemorate Stout’s legacy but also strengthen a foundation of support for youth in agriculture.

Each year, the winner of the Stanley E. Stout Memorial Supreme Heifer Scholarship receives a $5,000 scholarship, and all other breed champions are given a $500 scholarship.

Representing the Stanley Stout family was his son, Justin; Craig Huffhines, American Royal vice chairman of livestock and agricultural activities; and Neil Orth, American Royal chairman of the livestock committee.

SULL Jaylynn 0904, was selected as the Supreme Champion Junior Female of the 2011 American Royal.
She was exhibited by Nick Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa.

Also in the drive were the Champion Angus Female, led by Clayton Stevenson of Brenham, Texas; Champion AOB/Commercial Female, shown by Kimberlee Cull of Oakland, Neb.; Champion Charolais Female, exhibited by Kyler Juergens of Celina, Texas; Champion Hereford Female, led by Karey Howes of Taneytown, Md.; Champion Limousin Female, shown by Abby Hendrickson of Adair, Okla., Champion Maintainer Female, exhibited by Halley Becking of Florence, S.D.; Champion Maine-Anjou Female led by Jordan Crall of Albia, Iowa; Champion Shorthorn Female shown by Reece Klug of Columbus, Neb.; Champion Percentage Simmental Female, exhibited by McKenzie Strickland of Shawnee, Okla.; and Champion Purebred Simmental, shown by Jake Bloomberg of Berwick, Ill. Each of these exhibitors received $500 scholarships.